Our sofa collection includes 2,3 and 4-seater sofas, chaise lounges, banquette seating, modular seating, sofa beds and bean bags. Our sofas are designed with unique properties including high backrests for lumbar support, integrated tables and power, corner units, central arms, and plinth bases, making them suitable for a range of environments. Whether you require hotel sofas, care home sofas, modular seating for offices or sofas with linking arms for cinemas, we have models to suit all designs and budgets.
Showing 1–60 of 234 results
Nola 2-474
New -
Sigge SIS01
New -
Alan 9382S
New -
Buddy Oasi 208E
Samara SO.4471
Hug U0300053
Atlas U030001
Denmark STHD02
Chicago STHC03
Chicago STHC02
Dallas STHD04
Dallas STHD03
Richard STHR02
Arco MP.4056
Metropolitan 8351
Oliver 044 D
Lap 105-D
Lap 105-C
Lap 105-B
Lap 105-A
Appia Metal 2
Pongo 1134
Penta Modular
Core 356.11.U
Remnant 347.11.U
Serena M316
Abaco curved 761
Abaco curved 760
Otto PR-049D
Mariana M1501D STST
Amalia M1505D
Amalia M1506D
Rose 03053
Strike 1091
Hyppo 6.09.L
Cheshire Sofabed
Sussex Sofabed
Taunton Sofabed
Edinburgh Sofabed
Buddy Hub
Buddy Hub
Buddy 218
Namora M340
Lordelo M341
Chelsea Sofabed
Cirencester Sofabed
Hereford Sofabed
Wiltshire Sofabed
Strike 1090
Lissa SG804CD
Morgana SG853D
Fedra SG 841D
Janelle SG997D
Janelle SG996D
Janelle SG995D
Bernard 1133
Couchette 1172
New Jersey Sofa
Ada MP.03Z5